This paper analyzes the characteristics of perfect competition market and imperfect competition market , and establishes a free allocation model in both markets separately 本文研究的是在不同的市场条件下分析、建立并选择适合的初始排污权免费分配的分配模型。
In the third part , the paper uses the theory of pareto optimality in analyzing financial market . under strict assumptions , the paper analyzes three conditions under which financial resource allocation can achieve pareto optimality in a perfect competition market . the three conditions are : the condition under which the investors ’ financial portfolio can be the best , the condition under which 之后,本文运用这一指标体系对2001年至2004年吉林省金融资源配置状况进行实证分析,做出评价,并分析其成因,在此基础上提出改变这一状况、优化本省金融资源配置的路径选择,为在振兴东北老工业基地的大潮中的吉林省如何摆脱金融资源的困境提供可行的政策建议。